Monday, March 22, 2010

Chris & Mr. Jengles

Chris and I ventured West to Wendover to gamble for 2 days. We had 3 sets of friends come out and meet up with us. It was a blast! We saw 3 of our friends win big money- Carrie won $800, Teresa won another $800 and Carrie's Dad won $500. We were the big losers. :( With all that winning going on, you would think we would get on one good heater over the 2 days we were there. Oh well. We sure had fun. Here are some photos of us smuggling our dog in and out of the hotel to take potty breaks.

Thank goodness Bojangles doesn't bark a lot because we would have been thrown out of the hotel for sure.

Getting Bojangles's jacket on before going downstairs.
In full cognito... like you can't tell a dog isn't under there!! But it worked!
Bojangles sleeping spot... under the covers.
Or with his head on the pillow and his body under the covers. He cracks me up- what a funny dog!!

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