Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A fun trip to Wendover

Chris's first time in a black jack tournament resulted in $110 of free chips that he won from a random drawing, 2 free comped rooms in the hotel, free admission to the tournament, free food buffets and a really nice and FREE seafood dinner in the steakhouse restaurant!! Unbelievable! We had a free weekend to gamble. It was heaven. We brought our baby... aka Bojangles. It was nice to get away on the holiday weekend and just be by ourselves with no work.

I went to a hair salon in town during the day to get pampered. Mind you, there are no spas in Wendover. None of the hotels have a place where you can go get your hair and nails done. Geez luise! So I went to this po-dunk salon in town that was inside a home. They were so nice. They saw Bojangles in the car waiting for me and they insisted that I bring him inside. Well, I hesitiated a bit because Bojangles has a habit of marking other people's territory the first time he enters a new home. So I brought him inside and they immediately feed him like 5 dog treats. They were so nice and as I was thanking them BAM... he takes a poop right in front of everyone!! He has no shame. Here they are being so nice to him and he takes a poop right next to their couch in the middle of the salon. Oh I love my dog but why does he do this!! How can I train him to stop his one time pooping in other people's homes when he never does it in his own?? They were so nice even after this happened.

And to conclude my hair salon experience, the nice lady asked if I wanted a "bump". I said sure and thought how bad can a bump be. She then proceeds to rat nest my hair in the back and spray it with a gallon of hair spray. Lesson to be leaned, don't fall for the "bump" experience.

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