Happy 40th Birthday Stacy!! To celebrate in trailer park style, Kory threw a white trash party complete with the run down car and toilet in the front yard, ratty chair on the front porch and beer cans everywhere. This place was straight out of Kid Rock's trailer park!! It was awesome!!! Here are some fun photos.

Love Dave's beer stain on his pants along with food stains on his wife beater! Monica's curlers kill me!!

Chris kept asking everyone if they were going to Nascar on Sunday! And I just feel a little too much like Peggy Bundy.

The ratty chair on the front porch.

The trailer park GIRLS....

How Kori got this monster rally car is beyond me!

Sorry Monica but I had to put this one in here!

The girls- check out the Boones Farm!

My absolute fav tattoo of the night!! After her 3rd scratch out of a guy's name, Stacy put Ellen!!

I so dig Chris's smile........ and yes I am going to Nascar with you tomo babe.
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