So now I understand why it was such a big deal that I attend my (birth) niece's graduation in Chicago. As it turns out, out of 10 people in the family...only 3 have graduated....HIGH SCHOOL!!! And I am included in the 3 people. So, it is a major accomplishment to get a diploma from high school. I arrived in Chicago and I met a lot of Peggy and Dale's family along with a lot of their friends. We got to stay a few nights with Deb and Bill. The other two nights I got to stay with my girlfriend Kimmy which was a blast. Going back to Peggy's family, she has 2 sisters and 2 brothers. However her brothers are not doing so well. She has a homeless brother who literally is a bum. He lives on the streets so I didn't get the chance to meet him. Her other brother Randy is close to being a bum. He doesn't have a job, lives in a dilapidated home rent free and is an alcoholic. The owner of the home however is trying to sell it so if and when it sells, Randy and his wife Paula will be out of luck. I did meet Randy and Paula and they were super nice. I just felt bad for them. They had this apt that didn't even have room to sit down in so we had to sit on the front porch to talk. Not to mention that they don't have email or a phone so the only way to let them know we were coming to visit was to mail them a letter. Crazy huh. Their daughter is in jail and they were headed there to visit her the following day.
And Peggy's sisters were great!! They are super nice and fun to be around. They are big boned and Peggy is definitely the smallest sister. Both Kim and Jeanne just bought houses in Florida close to Peggy and Dale so they all will be living close to one another in a few months. By the way, they bought homes for $60k and $75k and they are nice homes!! I wish I had extra money right now because I would buy a home in Florida. And it was Kim's daughter that graduated.
And I met my grandmother. She was in a nursing home and she has severe Alzheimers. So I met her but she had no clue who I was. She is in the final stages I think.
Overall, it was a great experience. It's a new side to the world I haven't seen really. It really makes me appreciate the family I was raised in. I was given lots of love and a life with opportunities that I would have never had otherwise.
On my last night out in Chicago... I went out with my good friend Kimmy who is on the left.
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