Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Temporary employment...

This is my first week of training with the Census. A new experience for me which I am enjoying very much. My technical title is "enumerator". I have to work 20 hours a week. I have complete flexibility as to when I work which is a necessity with real estate since that is still my priority. This job lasts only 6-8 weeks and they pay quite well. It is a great gig! I passed the finger printing stage and the background check. Hopefully next week I will be knocking on doors. Apparently you encounter strange things out in the field. People answer the door naked, people hate the government and don't want to give you any answers, you can knock on the door of drug dealers and you have to still ask them the 10 questions. Yikes! It should be interesting. So I am collecting info from those people who have not turned their census in. About 80% of households have. I am targeting that remaining 20%. So for those of you that have not turned in your census, please do so. It will save me or a fellow census worker a door to your knock. We hunt down people all hours of the day apparently.

On another note, the other night I was watching a show on tv about the KKK, Ku Klux Klan. Good grief! How is this party still together? And they are so strong still. They have marches in Washington DC because of freedom of speech and DC brings in so much security for them. I am amazed. Our country is supporting them in a way. They apparently are jumping on the latino bandwagon and shifting their focus of hate away from blacks and more on mexican americans. How the hell do these people still exist! I was watching this show just dumbfounded. The sad thing is they would involve their tiny kids in the marches. So even future generations are exposed to such hatred. Sad! And then I was thinking that I could be knocking on the door of a KKK member during my census assignment. Frightening!


  1. So cool that you got a census job. I didn't think of it until it was too late and they'd stopped giving the test. Here's a funny enumerator story I heard on the radio.

    True Story: In Maine, a mentally ill guy called his doctor's office up and said "I've got him! I caught the leprechaun! He's in my closet!" So the doctor, knowing his condition called the cops, and when they showed up they found a census taker locked up in this guy's closet. He happened to be a little person, and the man really thought it was a leprechaun!

  2. LOL............... No way!! Thank goodness the cops came out! That is hysterical!! Poor censes taker. Oh I hope that doesn't happen to me!! And they won't let you carry any mace or pepper spray because that is a weapon. Oh what a crazy story!!
