Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A fun trip to Texas...

Chris and I went to Texas for a few days to visit my Mom and Michelle. We had a really great time. One day we floated down the river in an intertube. Normally I would freeze doing this but since it was close to 100 degrees and there was high humidity, I managed alright. I am a wimp when it comes to cold water.
We hit the local swap meet... one of my favorite things to do.
We cruised through San Antonio.... while my mom waited for us in an air conditioned hotel lobby.
The cool river walk...
One of the cruising boats that we rode on...

After a yummy brunch at the Four Seasons
More photos from our boat ride...
A cool tree
Here is the start of our trip to Michelle's new home...She definitely lives in the boonies. There is no walmart or a target. She has 1 bakery, 1 post office, fire station, rifle club, and a grocery store. She absolutely loves the laid back pace of life. Chris and I could not live there in a million years except if we were in the witness protection program. Pray that never happens. Those poor people never go to cool places I bet. Just rinky dink places. That would be cool if you got sent to Tahiti or somewhere. Sorry random thoughts.
Michelle's new boyfriend Russ. He is an EMT. And they have been serious for 1 week.
Michelle's new stray dog that she just adopted, named Molly. Lots of new things for Michelle. She has had Molly for 1 week and already she has made huge improvements(sadly she was a beaten dog).
Every night her driveway is covered in frogs! It was so funny. I have lots of photos of her night friends.
The camera can't adjust to the humidity so this is why this photo is blurry... It truly was that sticky out. We were amazed that electronics don't cease to work altogether. But anyway, this is her backyard. She owns 10 acres. It is beautiful.
Sad to say goodbye. We had a great trip visiting. Russ cooked us up great barbeque. We watched the darn Lakers win the World Championship in basketball. All six people watching at her home were for the Celtics. Lakers are too damn cocky. Darn them.

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