Tuesday, June 29, 2010

King of the neighborhood

So our little guy Bojangles is a mean bully. He has this secret alley way in our backyard that leads to ... well we don't know for sure. But he loves going back there and we suspect he has a nice collection of socks, panties and a slipper where ever it leads. One place that we know for sure it leads is my next door neighbor's backyard. And my neighbor has 2 dogs and a cat. So when Jengles sees the cat, he immediately runs through his secret alley and into the neighbor's yard. We just discovered this and boy were we surprised! We had no idea he was getting into our neighbor's yard at all. That explains the toy duck that he brought into our house that we have no clue where it came from. Also, we suspect he has been going to the bathroom over at her place too because we don't have any clean ups surprisingly. So here is his other backyard where he travels frequently... ie. everytime he sees their cat and he knows the dogs are inside...
peeking over the fence.... Imagine the first time I saw my baby over there...I was so shocked.
He hangs out on their deck taunting the dogs from the sliding door.... Until they get let out and he runs for safety (squealing like a little girl).

The board we put up to stop him from going back into his alley way.

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