Monday, September 14, 2009

Garage sales!

Anyone else have a passion for garage sales!??!! I love them. I find myself most Saturday mornings passing my time at garage sales. It gives me great alone time and I find so much happiness in seeking something I don't know I want or need. It is so addicting! I usually get up early too and hit them when they open. That is when you find the best stuff. You would be amazed at the fun things I have picked up for super cheap. I've been burned only once and I have learned from that experience. I bought a brand new (or so I thought) wine refrigerator for $20 only to realize when I got home, it didn't work. Aargh! I had asked the owner if it had. She seemed trustworthy when she said yes. This is last time I take someone's word on the matter. Now I have a broken wine refrigerator sitting on my kitchen counter. :( Last weekend I bought an air cleaner worth new online $150. I picked it up for $5 and it looks new! I pick up great pictures for the house, kitchen items, books, household goods, sometimes even clothes. It is nearing the end of garage sale season and I'm trying to figure out what else am I going to do for my alone therapy. Hooray for moving/garage/yard/estate sales!!

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