Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Introducing our new puppy Bo!!

I have wanted a yorkie for so long! My dream became a reality this past weekend when someone advertised a free yorkie online and I responded. What are the odds!! I was a little leery it was a fake ad but sure enough, I met up with Bo and his owners. We chatted for a good hour. Chris and I were so excited to bring Bo home. Bo is only 1 year old and he is potty trained (big sign of relief!).
Sunday, Day 1: Getting to know one another...
We spent the first day giving Bo a lot of loves. He is so cute and cuddly. He likes to give tons of kisses. Chris made a doggie door for Bo to go out whenever we are not home. He got used to that really fast. He loves running around in our yard and exploring. We realized he doesn't know how to play ball just yet so that is something we will have to remedy quickly. How do you get a dog to play ball? He runs and follows the ball but he doesn't pick it up or anything. Hmm. I'll have to read the dog whisperer. He does bark a lot at the neighbors and people walking by...something also we will also have to remedy. He might have just been getting used to his new environment though. Gosh, he is just a love. He started to become attached to me probably because his last owner was a female. Chris went to bed first but Bo waited until I was ready to go to bed. He just sat at my feet while I was doing some work. I felt loved. I was searching online for some fun dog names in case we wanted to rename him. I came up with Cruzer or Cruiser as my favorite. Chris has already tried to rename him Thor.... which I think is so caveman like. Not sure about renaming Bo but we are just testing the waters.

Day 2:
Today I took Bo with me to Target, Petco and 2 other stores. He is an excellent dog in the car. He doesn't bark when people walk by or large trucks drive by. He just is very attentive... never not looking around. Chris and I came home several times during the day between appts to see how Bo was doing. He was making himself at home. He curled himself up on the chair on top of his blanket. I noticed him barking a lot at kids when the school bus got let off and what not. My neighbor at one point mentioned she saw our new dog and commented they had heard him today. Yikes... I hope that wasn't a subtle way of saying that he barks too much.
As far as his name goes- Chris and I both stuck to our favorite names today for Bo.... and we kept calling him Thor or Cruiser to test him to see if he responded to either one. No luck. By the end of the day, Chris called him Bojangles and it kinda stuck. The last time we came home and was greeted by Bo, he was so excited to see us. We got our first super loving welcome at the door. It was so cute!
Day 3:
We keep calling Bo, Bojangles, and it seems to be a natural fit. We will see where this is in a few days. He isn't barking like the past 2 days!! I even saw some people walking by and Bo just kept exploring the yard. I hope he is getting used to his new home. His new favorite place is his bed by the french doors. This way he can keep tabs on what is going on outside while relaxing inside.

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