Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Still deciding a name...

As of today, we have decided to call him any variation of Bo since he responds to that. We are torn between: Bojangles, Bo-diddley, Bowinkle, and Bo Jackson. Who knows, we may officially keep his name Bo and call him a bunch of nicknames. We need to figure this out soon so we can get his dog tags made and for some consistency for poor Bo.
Bo is adjusting great. He has calmed down and isn't barking like he was the first few days. I am so relieved. I have watched lots of people walk by and Bo just keeps minding his own business. He still barks but he is so much better. Yea!
And Bo is officially my shadow. Any small movement I make, he is up on his feet ready to go where ever. I actually feel bad because I see him all comfy in the bed and I just go into another room for a second and down he goes. I must admit, I love it.

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