Monday, October 12, 2009

Our Saturday night

While most of our friends were out on the town, Chris and I enjoyed a night in with Bojangles, 2 rented movies and our new milkshake maker!! How did I enjoy life before this new kitchen gadget! Heaven! I was dancing around the kitchen all night. We made reeces shakes, oreo shakes, rocky road shakes, and rocky road plus cookie dough shakes (my fav!). I found my new gift that I want to give the world. I was seriously thinking whos bday is coming up, who's wedding gift do I need to buy... my mind was spinning in excitement. This evening was after Chris took Bojangles all day up North where he got to play all day with kids and other dogs. Needless to say, Bojangles was exhausted. He nestled up to three pillows and was out. I had to take a photo. He was so cute! And so on my side of the bed which has really made sleeping difficult since he takes up more room than Chris and I combined! Anyway, here are some photos of my new favorite kitchen gadget and Bojangles...

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