Monday, October 5, 2009

Mister Bojangles!

We have officially named our cute doggie Bojangles. We call him Mister Bojangles along with 2 other nicknames (Bolicious and Bowinkle). But the main name we use is Bojangles. He seems to respond to it and so I got his name tag done today. He is such a good dog!! He has some funny things about him. For one, he likes to sleep under the covers deep down in the bed. I get worried he doesn't get enough oxygen but Chris seems to think he is ok. He also buries his bones that we give him in our couch and behind couch pillows. I love to watch him try to be sneaky. When we get home from work, he greets us with a 7-10 minute hysterical dance. I should record it because we have never seen anything like it. He gets so excited! Way more than any other dog I have seen. We love it! He does this cute yelp that is so funny. A week into owning Bojangles and we don't know how life was like without him. We are so happy he is with us!!

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